My ipsy glambag showed up on January 15th. About 12 hours later, ipsy emailed me a tracking code. Hah. Here's what I got (in ordering of most exciting to least exciting):
1. Briogeo "Don't Despair, Repair" deep conditioning mask.
I am a little put off by the term "mask" being applied to a conditioner (how many ways can they say, "it is a conditioner" after all?). That said, I have been using more heat on my hair lately. It doesn't say how often to use it. It is a decent sized sample; it will probably last a month if I use it 2-3 times a week.
2 Elizabeth Mott "Smooth Shadow" stick in "Pearl."
There are no instructions, but this looks like a mini eyeliner/lip liner. It's clearly a shadow since 1. The name, 2. It's transparent. I am not sure if you're supposed to rub it directly onto your eye or if you're supposed to rub it on your finger and then your eye? I'll have to look it up online. The color looks like a nude shimmer on the back of my hand.
3. Nourish Organic Lightweight Moisturizing Face Lotion.
I'm a little skeptical of all face lotions because I have an old faithful: LUSH's "Skin Drink." It smells sweet and not at all perfume-y, so I'll try it. The ingredients don't impress me. All of the tube is screaming about how organic it is, but it looks like it's mostly Shea Butter. The jury is out.
4. Mica Beauty Cosmetics Tinted Lip Balm in "Fiesta."
This color is definitely a fiesta and the US Workplace is not invited. This balm is waaaay too bright to wear during the day time. Absolutely apply it with a brush. When I thin balm, I think dipping your finger in it. If you do that with this color, you will make a mess. It really should come in a tube or stick.
5. proactiv+ Mark Fading Pads
This sounds like a miracle product, but a quick scan of the ingredients is sure to disappoint. The only active ingredient (read: medicine) is 2% Salicylic Acid. Really? Every acne wash, Neutrogenia soap, Clean & Clear mask, you name it... Salicylic Acid. The inactive ingredients include a ton of alcohols and witch hazel, which is all sure to dry out the skin and make you feel like your face is clean and tight. You're supposed to "cleanse the skin thoroughly before applying this product." Hmmm...
This month's case is really cute. It's teal and has a print of beauty supplies on the bottom. Maybe I'll use it to organize my purse.